Every time you turn on the television or the radio, you probably hear a car insurance ad. The national companies advertise aggressively, and even local agencies try hard to establish a brand that people trust. When you get hurt in a crash, your first thought will be...
Dedicated To Helping Injured People
Dedicated To Helping Injured
motor vehicle accidents
How instituting the 3-second rule while driving could save your life
How many times have you found yourself tailgating someone? Look around you next time you're in rush hour traffic, and you'll see this happening all around you. Do you sometimes do it yourself? Tailgating is a dangerous practice. It can unnecessarily leave you involved...
Car accident claims in Louisiana: What types of compensation can you claim?
If you have recently been involved in a motor vehicle accident that was caused by another driver’s negligence, the compensation you’re eligible to receive will depend on several factors. Before calculating your losses, you need to consider the severity of your...
What all drivers should know about Louisiana insurance
Many drivers don't think about their insurance coverage beyond paying their bills when they come due. It is only when someone has to file a claim that they start thinking about how much coverage they will actually have. Understanding more than just the basic premise...
Louisiana DUIs: Risky drivers make for dangerous roadways
Drivers need to take into consideration the other people on the road. They should not get behind the wheel when they’re sick or distracted, let alone when they’re impaired. Drivers who are too impaired to drive put other people’s lives at risk. If you’re involved in a...
Does a medical emergency remove a driver’s liability in a crash?
There are many issues that could lead to a car crash. One big problem that could quickly become life-threatening is when a driver suffers from a medical emergency. Even if that emergency isn’t necessarily dangerous to the driver, the fact that they will lose control...
Insurance claim options for those injured in a crash
Many motor vehicle accidents result in injury to one or more parties. Victims of accidents in the Lafayette area often need financial resources to cover their losses after a crash. Filing one or more insurance claims is the logical way to acquire such resources. What...
Who pays when the driver at fault doesn’t have insurance?
In the moments after a car crash, your head will probably flood with all kinds of worries and concerns. If you don’t seem to be injured, the overall financial impact of the crash will likely be one of the issues that come to mind. You may be able to dismiss that...
Common mistakes people make when filing a car insurance claim
Dealing with car insurance can cause people a lot of grief. Some insurance policies seem overly confusing or misleading, and many insurance adjustors search for reasons to deny coverage. One small mistake on a claim can cost a person thousands of dollars....
Watch out for these hazards on the road this fall
Compared to other seasons, most people consider the driving conditions in autumn to be close to ideal. In the fall, drivers don’t have to anticipate the impact of sweltering heat, heavy snowfall or icy conditions on their vehicle. However, while driving in autumn may...