Those who work on ships or on the docks have to consider the possibility of falling into cold water. The cold itself can be deadly. If you’re not rescued quickly, how fast will you become hypothermic? Hypothermia is not the first concern Though most people believe it...
Dedicated To Helping Injured People
Dedicated To Helping Injured
Exterior of Office Building of The Gaar Law Firm | Trail Attorneys
Month: March 2021
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The difference between workers’ comp and personal injury claims
Getting hurt at work could mean major financial issues. If the injury is bad enough, you might have to take several weeks off of work to recover. You also have medical bills to think about, which could be thousands of dollars. If your injury is severe, you may not...
Why pain meds and driving often don’t mix
If you were injured in a car crash, you likely have at least some anxiety about getting behind the wheel again. Even if the crash was the other driver’s fault, or if you were a passenger, it can be stressful to get back on the road again. However, you know that the...