Distracted driving is a well-known issue on the modern roads. It causes thousands of crashes each year, some of which leave people dead or coping with permanent injuries. If you already realize that distracted driving is negligent, you may always turn the ringer off...
Dedicated To Helping Injured People
Dedicated To Helping Injured
Car Accidents
How quickly must insurance companies pay your settlement?
A sense of financial pressure often leads to people settling their insurance claims. They may need money to prevent the hospital from sending an account to collections or to repair their damaged vehicle. Without insurance funds, many people will have a hard time...
1 small thing you can do to stay safer on the road
There are all kinds of tips and tricks that you can find online that will tell you more about winter safety. Whether it’s reminding you to check that your tires are properly inflated or to adjust your speed for the road conditions, it’s all good advice. There’s one...
We can’t prevent a top driving distractions
Distracted driving has certainly become a major issue in the last decade and a half. Much of this is attributed to smartphones, and laws have cropped up, making it illegal to text and drive, among other things. Driver’s ed courses also educate children about the...
How dangerous is driving when tired?
Falling asleep at the wheel for even a few seconds can be fatal. Yet you do not have to close your eyes to be at risk. Tiredness affects your brain and body, reducing your decision-making ability and lengthening your reaction time. Tired drivers are more likely to...
Exploring Louisianaʼs most dangerous highways
When you plan your trip across Louisiana, you probably don’t give much thought to which road you take, other than determining what should get you to your destination soonest. Many people just put the destination into a GPS, assume that it has planned the best route,...
What does Louisiana law say about distracted driving?
Experts agree that distracted driving is one of the most dangerous things a person can do behind the wheel. Driving while distracted by your phone, food, makeup or anything else takes away from your ability to focus and perceive the world around you. In other words,...
Why pain meds and driving often don’t mix
If you were injured in a car crash, you likely have at least some anxiety about getting behind the wheel again. Even if the crash was the other driver’s fault, or if you were a passenger, it can be stressful to get back on the road again. However, you know that the...
What can you expect from the insurance company?
After a serious motor vehicle collision, individuals might face medical bills, property damage, loss of wages and costly physical therapy. Unfortunately, your insurance might fall short in paying these rapidly skyrocketing costs. It is crucial to remember that your...
Ambulance and vehicle collide: 3 injured in crash
One thing that all drivers need to do is to slow down and move over for emergency vehicles. This is particularly important when that vehicle has lights on or the emergency team is attending to an accident that has happened. When drivers don’t get out of the way, a...