Birthing a child is serious business. Many parents in Louisiana and elsewhere depend on the expertise offered by medical staff in order to ensure their children are brought into the world safely. Unfortunately, sometimes, medical providers make mistakes; these...
Dedicated To Helping Injured People
Dedicated To Helping Injured
Month: January 2018
Family of fallen officer may file wrongful death claim
Rescue workers in Louisiana and elsewhere put their lives on the line every single day. Sadly, some do not make it home to their family members. Recently, a fire chief was killed while investigating a car crash. If negligence contributed to his death, his surviving...
Regulations in place to prevent fatigue-related truck accidents
Most employed people in Louisiana are only allowed to work so many hours at a time or in a given week. This is certainly true for truck drivers. Regulations have been put in place to help prevent fatigue-related truck accidents. Unfortunately, some find that drivers...
Louisiana motor vehicle accidents: Hit by drunk driver?
You were out and about, going about your day as usual, when all of a sudden you see a driver swerving all over the road. You do your best to avoid this person, but in the end, there was really nothing you could do. The other driver ended up hitting your car, and you...
Thinking about filing a wrongful death claim?
Lose a loved one due to another person's negligence? Wondering if it is possible to seek compensation? According to the state of Louisiana it may be possible. To do it, though, -- if it is deemed appropriate -- it is necessary to file a wrongful death claim in civil...
Louisiana motor vehicle accidents: 1 killed, 4 injured in wreck
A single-vehicle crash in Louisiana claimed the life of the driver and left four other individuals with injuries. This incident occurred on Interstate 10 in Ascension Parish on Jan. 6. When single-vehicle motor vehicle accidents occur, passengers may be entitled to...
Beyond Captain Stubing: The real role of ship captains
We have all seen the romanticized version of jocular and loving sea captains on TV and in movies. But the job is anything but easy. When does a captain have authority? Anytime the ship is in operation the captain is in charge. A ship captain is obligated to...
Insurance settlements from truck accidents may be insufficient
Louisiana residents who have been injured or lost loved ones in collisions with commercial trucks may want to quickly settle with insurance companies in order to get some level of payment and just move on. However, the funds offered in insurance settlements may really...
Birth injury can often be avoided
The labor and delivery process is difficult on both a mother's body and the body of the sweet infant trying to enter the world. While many people in Louisiana and elsewhere will say it is a natural process, one that a woman's body knows how to handle without help,...