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Louisiana motor vehicle accidents: Hit by drunk driver?

On Behalf of | Jan 19, 2018 | motor vehicle accidents

You were out and about, going about your day as usual, when all of a sudden you see a driver swerving all over the road. You do your best to avoid this person, but in the end, there was really nothing you could do. The other driver ended up hitting your car, and you suffered serious injury as a result. Police believe impairment was a contributing factor — which is all too common in Louisiana motor vehicle accidents. What can you do?

Drunk drivers can be seen every day on Louisiana roads. It does not matter how many stop impaired driving campaigns the state runs and how many times the police increase patrols looking for drunk drivers. People still choose to get behind the wheel when they really shouldn’t, and not all are caught before causing serious damage to other people and property.

As a result, numerous individual suffer injuries — or worse — in auto collisions caused by impaired drivers. If you have been hit by a drunk driver, according to the state, you may be entitled to seek compensation for your losses. This you can do by filing the appropriate civil claims in court.

Personal injury claims can be challenging to litigate. They take time and may not be exactly what you expect. Not all may have to go to court; however, it may be possible to settle through out-of-court negotiations — every case is different. Louisiana residents who have suffered injuries in motor vehicle accidents with drunk drivers may turn to a skilled attorney who may be able to help them fight for fair and full compensation. To learn more, please visit our firm’s website.