The majority of workers in the United States have the right to gain compensation if they become injured, and restaurant workers are no exception. However, you must take action to gain workers' compensation within a certain time frame if you want to be successful. This...
Dedicated To Helping Injured People
Dedicated To Helping Injured
Firm News
A spinal cord injury may mean major costs and decreased income
Your brain is responsible for housing all of your memories and knowledge while also controlling your subconscious actions such as breathing and your conscious actions, such as motor function. In other words, your brain defines who you are and what you can do. The...
The top 4 causes of accidents on construction sites
If you work in the construction industry, you will know that many hazards come with the job. Although there will always be potential dangers associated with the construction industry, it is the responsibility of employers to ensure that comprehensive safety procedures...
Common reasons to make a medical malpractice claim
When you seek advice or get treated by a medical professional, you will probably trust them completely to make the best decision for you. In most cases, doctors, surgeons and nurses are well-trained and competent, and they will do their best to ensure that you are...
Talcum powder use and cancer risk linked
Earlier this summer, a group of research scientists and physicians from Michigan's Wayne State University announced their findings regarding the link between the use of talcum powder and diagnoses of ovarian cancer. Their research confirms years of speculation in the...
Understanding workers’ compensation laws in Louisiana
If you have been injured at work, you will suffer in many ways. First, the injury itself is likely to cause you significant pain for a substantial amount of time. You will also need to pay for medical expenses as a consequence of the injury, and these could be costly,...
Maternal injury and death on the rise in negligent hospitals
When you are a new mother, you look forward to raising and taking care of your child. But sometimes, you can develop complications after birth. If doctors do not respond to these complications right away with proper treatment, they can cause you serious injury or...
Wrongful death suit against Ford Motor Company
Ford Motor Company is being sued for the wrongful death of a Louisiana mechanic and generator service technician. According to the claim, the mechanic died from peritoneal mesothelioma as a result of years of asbestos exposure working for Ford. The mechanic filed an...
Longshoreman wins nearly $200,000 for workplace injury
Earlier this spring, a Louisiana court awarded close to $200,000 in damages to a man injured while repairing a stern line in 2017. The plaintiff, Andrew Lee Knight, sued his former employer, Kirby Offshore Marine, LLC, for negligence under the Jones Act and...
Can I file a third-party lawsuit in addition to my workers’ comp?
If you’ve suffered a workplace injury, you may receive benefits from your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance. However, those benefits may not cover all your wages or any of the pain and suffering you’ve gone through. If a third party—a person or company who...