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Louisiana motor vehicle accidents: 2 held responsible for wreck

On Behalf of | Mar 16, 2018 | motor vehicle accidents

In Oct. 2017, a car crash involving an off-duty Louisiana police officer and another vehicle resulted in a child losing her life and eight other people suffering injuries. Just recently, the driver of one of the cars and a passenger in the other were charged with negligent homicide for their roles in the collision. When motor vehicle accidents like this occur and more than one person is believed partially responsible, victims may still be entitled to seek compensation for their losses.

A 28-year-old male was operating his vehicle on Airline Highway at a speed of approximately 94 mph when he struck an automobile near Florine Boulevard. The impacted vehicle was carrying a total of eight people, including a 1-year-old girl. All were transported to a medical facility in serious condition. Sadly, the child later succumbed to her injuries.

According to reports, the child was in a car seat but the seat was not properly restrained in the vehicle, and none of the other passengers were wearing seat belts. For this reason, one of the passengers — the child’s mother — is facing criminal charges alongside the man who hit them. It is not clear as to whether criminal proceedings will actually take place, as the district attorney is still reviewing the case.

There is a lot involved in this case. The off-duty cop was speeding and slammed into a car full of people not restrained. When it comes to motor vehicle accidents, this could be viewed as partial negligence on both sides — leaving victims to believe that they have no right to seek compensation for their losses. However, the victims may still be entitled to seek relief for any damages sustained by filing civil claims in a Louisiana court. Whether full or partial relief is awarded depends on if litigation is successful and what the court deems is fair under the circumstances.

Source:, “Mother, Baton Rouge cop accused of negligent homicide in crash that killed baby: Report“, Marie Simoneaux, March 3, 2018