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Securing compensation after a truck accident in Louisiana

On Behalf of | Feb 6, 2015 | Truck Accidents

Most Louisiana drivers know that the chances of being seriously injured or killed are much higher in accidents involving commercial trucks, such as tractor-trailers. Because of their size and weight, these trucks typically cause accidents that are much worse than other motor vehicles. Too often drivers and passengers in other vehicles are killed, especially in truck accidents at higher speeds on highways.

When a loved one is badly injured, permanently disabled or killed in a truck accident, his or her family can be emotionally devastated and financially challenged, especially if the victim was a family breadwinner. The financial difficulties can be especially bad, so victims or family members may wish to consult an attorney to secure compensation if one party’s negligence contributed to the accident.

The Gaar Law Firm has been helping truck accident victims and their families obtain the compensation they deserve from negligent drivers and truck companies for years. Truck accidents can be the fault of these drivers or companies for a variety of reasons, including distracted or intoxicated driving, fatigue, unsafe lane changes and speeding. To pursue a lawsuit, however, the driver’s negligence needs to be proven to the court.

The Gaar Law Firm has the skill, experience and resources to help its clients receive the best compensation possible. After accepting a case, the firm’s lawyers investigate the accident and injuries and gather crucial information that can help the victim or family obtain compensation for all their losses, including lost wages and medical expenses.

The firm believes that negligent parties must pay for their negligence, and it is committed to fighting vigorously on behalf of its clients through every phase of the legal process. Cases are taken on a contingency fee basis, and clients are not charged fees until the firm wins compensation for its clients.