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The main cause of pregnancy-related deaths

On Behalf of | Dec 19, 2019 | birth injury

An article published in early 2019 discussed a serious problem affecting women in the United States. Even with today’s medical advances, too many women in Louisiana and elsewhere are suffering pregnancy-related deaths. Why?

According to the article, poor medical practices is the number one reason for pregnancy-related deaths. Medical staff is failing to follow basic safety guidelines when various symptoms arise that indicate mothers are in distress. Such symptoms include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Low blood pressure
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Headaches
  • Fever
  • Trouble breathing

It is believed that 700 women die every year either during their pregnancy, during labor and delivery, or up to one year postpartum. Experts say that three out of every five deaths could be prevented if the women receive better care. Some hospitals are making changes to address the issue, but many are not.

In order to help this problem, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is asking women to be aware of symptoms that may indicate a serious issue and to speak up when they are noticed. It is asking medical providers to do more for their patients when problems are detected. It is also asking hospitals to train staff on how to handle obstetric emergencies properly.

Complications during pregnancy happen, and not all maternal deaths are preventable. However, the vast majority of them are. Those in Louisiana who believe that they have a loved one who died of pregnancy-related complications due to the actions or inactions of medical providers may be entitled to seek compensation for their losses. Legal counsel can review the details of one’s case and help one negotiate a settlement with the parties thought responsible or take the matter to court — if doing either is deemed appropriate.