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Louisiana maritime law: Injured dock workers

On Behalf of | Sep 7, 2018 | admiralty & maritime law

Loading docks are an essential part of a port facility. Many Louisiana residents work these docks and in doing so put themselves in harm’s way as there are many hazards present in this type of working environment. Injured dock workers may be protected and able to seek compensation for their losses by filing maritime law claims.

What are some of the common hazards seen at loading docks? A big issue is forklifts. Forklifts overturn, and people get hit by these machines. This is a piece of heavy machinery that may seem small but can do a lot of damage. Other common hazards include:

  • Debris
  • Unguarded dock edges
  • Slip-and-trip hazards
  • Improper handling of materials

Dock owners have a responsibility to the people who work at their facilities to provide a safe working environment. These means making sure equipment is in good working order, that those operating heavy machinery are properly trained to do so, that flooring is in good condition and that hazards are identified and fixed in a timely manner — among other things. In other words, they need to make sure that their dock facilities meet the standards set forth by the Occupations Safety and Health Administration.

Injured dock workers may experience losses that affect them personally and professionally. These losses may be temporary or they may cause permanent damage. If employer or other employee negligence contributed to one’s losses, compensation may be sought. An experienced Louisiana-based maritime law attorney can assist injured dock workers in seeking maximum relief for their losses.