Law enforcement authorities in Louisiana were called to the scene of an accident involving an impaired driver and a pregnant woman. This incident occurred in a parking garage in Baton Rouge on July 31. The victim of this incident may be entitled to seek compensation for her losses through legal means, which is true for victims of most motor vehicle accidents.
According to reports, a 17-year-old male was high on LSD and speeding through the parking garage when he lost control and hit a parked car. The victim was in the process of entering that parked car when it was hit. She became pinned between her vehicle and the one parked next to it. Rescue teams had to free her. She was transported to the hospital with serious injuries, and it has been reported that she may possibly miscarry as a result of her injuries.
The teenager was not at the accident scene when authorities entered the parking garage. He was found hiding in a nearby stairwell not long after police arrived. He was promptly arrested and charged with DWI, vehicular negligent injuring and reckless operation.
The damages in this case cannot be understated. The physical pain, emotional grief and financial losses resulting from this wreck will undoubtedly take a toll on this woman and her family. According to Louisiana laws, victims of motor vehicle accidents may seek relief in civil court. An experienced personal injury attorney can help this victim fight for maximum relief either by fighting this case out in court or working toward a settlement privately.