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Louisiana wrongful death: common fatal work injuries

On Behalf of | Dec 23, 2017 | wrongful death

On-the-job accidents happen all too often in Louisiana and elsewhere. When they do, those injured may access workers’ compensation benefits in order to assist them with their medical care, recovery and — if applicable — disability needs. What assistance is available to the family members of those who are killed in work-related accidents? Depending on the circumstances surrounding such an event, a wrongful death claim may be filed against the responsible party on top of seeking workers’ comp benefits.

In the year 2016, 5,190 people lost their lives to work-related injuries. This number shows a 7 percent increase over those reported in 2015. What is causing the accidents? Why, despite there being even more safety regulations out there, is this number increasing rather than decreasing?

It is believed that 40 percent of all of these accidents were transportation related. This is the number-one cause of workplace fatality. Second is workplace violence and third is falls. Why are these accidents happening? Sometimes, they are just accidents, and other times, they can be contributed to employer or other employee negligence.

Family members of those who lose their lives while working in Louisiana or elsewhere can be left struggling in a number of ways. The financial losses sustained can be rather extreme, and the emotional losses will be something felt for the rest of their lives. Following fatal work accidents, surviving family members may seek to access workers’ compensation death benefits, which can provide some relief. Those who believe negligence contributed to their loved one’s death may also pursue wrongful death claims against the responsible parties in order to seek further compensation.

Source:, “National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries in 2016“, Accessed on Dec. 21, 2017