Well, here we are. New Year’s Eve is this weekend. Whether you live in Louisiana, Michigan, Maine or Washington, Americans throughout the country will be celebrating the holiday with cheers and champagne. While a majority of Americans will be responsible and will either not drink, find alternative modes of transportation, or have a designated driver, there will still be a few irresponsible drivers out there who get behind the wheel while intoxicated, and will jeopardize everyone on the road with their negligence.
State and local authorities throughout the country make every necessary precaution with PSA warnings and DUI checkpoints in an effort to dissuade people from driving drunk and to catch drunk drivers already on the road. Unfortunately though, tragedy will strike someone, somewhere, and an innocent victim will be seriously injured or even killed in a drunk driving accident on New Year’s Eve.
While the country takes drunk driving very serious and has strong penalties for those found guilty of drunk driving, it is still not enough of a deterrent for some people. The courts understand that there are often innocent victims who are killed or catastrophically injured in drunk driving accidents, and hold those convicted of driving under the influence liable for injuries and damages related to a drunk driving accident.
If negligence was found to have played a role in an accident, there is compensation available to a victim or victims of a car accident. The courts will look at the accident investigation provided by the police and will see if any drivers were found to be negligent and the cause of the accident. If so, a victim may be entitled to money for not only lost wages and medical expenses, but pain and suffering as well.
Source: findlaw.com, “Car Accident Basics,” Accessed Dec. 27, 2016