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Employee sues employer after suffering injuries in a car accident

On Behalf of | Jun 10, 2015 | Car Accidents

Car accidents are unpredictable but common occurrences that often injure innocent victims. Injuries suffered in an accident can cost victims much more than medical expenses for physical injury; it can cost them their emotional health, too. Louisiana law allows accident victims, including employees, to claim compensation for pain and suffering and medical expenses incurred as a result of an accident, if the accident was caused due to the fault or negligence of someone else.

Recently, an employee filed a lawsuit against his employer for injuries sustained in a car accident that occurred a few months ago. The employee was travelling during the course of a work day in a car driven by another employee. According to the injured worker, the driver of the vehicle suddenly experienced a seizure, which caused the driver to lose control of the car. The driver then went off the road and crashed, injuring the employee.

The employee has accused his employer of gross negligence for allowing a person who was known to suffer periodic seizures to drive a company vehicle containing another employee. The injured worker has accused his employers of failing to provide safe working conditions that have caused him great hardship.

The lawsuit is requesting that compensation be paid for physical pain and mental agony experienced by the employee as a direct result of the accident. The employee stated that he has suffered permanent impairment and has lost the capacity to earn a living. The lawsuit is requesting reimbursement for medical expenses, attorney fees and other costs incurred in the process and also interest and penalties. The car insurance company and the car’s owner also are parties to the suit.

Source: The Louisiana Record., “Seaman sues employer over auto accident injuries,” June 1, 2015