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4-vehicle accident leads to Louisiana man’s death

On Behalf of | Feb 21, 2014 | Truck Accidents

Driving on the roadways is made more dangerous by the presence of trucks. Trucks are usually bigger and more difficult to navigate. When Louisiana drivers take to the roadway, they should be wary of possible truck accidents when they encounter these vehicles.

While out of town, one Louisiana man was involved in a trucking accident but sadly did not survive. The 31-year-old man was driving early on a Saturday morning up a hill. He was trying to navigate around one truck. As he did so, however, another truck was headed straight for him. Neither of the truck drivers could navigate quickly enough to avoid colliding with the Louisiana man’s pickup truck. The trucks collided with the man’s pickup. Ultimately, four different vehicles were involved in the incident.

The Louisiana man was the only individual who suffered injuries in the accident.

Normally, the person injured in a motor vehicle incident is the individual who has standing to file a suit against others involved in the accident to recover for injuries. However, when the injured party does not survive the incident, his family can stand in his place and still recover.

The principle of who is entitled to file a lawsuit is known as standing. Specifically, standing refers to someone being qualified to enforce certain rights in a legal proceeding because that person has a sufficient interest in the controversy.

When someone faces the death of a loved one, the family member can claim such losses like loss of future wages and familial support. Of course, a family member can only recover such damages if she can show that she is a proper plaintiff.

Source:, “Louisiana man killed in four-car accident,” David Rupkalvis, Feb. 10, 2014