Louisiana State Police have confirmed that a school bus accident occurred in Bossier Parish. Car accidents like these raise serious concerns for parents, especially if their children are injured. The law provides recourse, fortunately, allowing parents to file lawsuits to recover compensation for the injuries that their children may sustain in such accidents.
Louisiana parents were particularly concerned with how they learned of the recent accident. They claim that school officials simply informed them of a delay. Later, they learned that the bus on which their children were riding struck a truck on Princeton Road and rolled into a ditch. Although school officials were aware of these details, they did not want to immediately release them because they wanted to avoid panic. They claim that they confirmed that none of the children were injured before releasing the message about a delay.
This bus accident presents interesting legal concerns, especially if any of the children had been injured in the accident as a result of the school bus driver’s actions. This is because the law carves out a duty to rescue in particular situations, like when the defendant has caused the peril or if the parties share a specific relationship like school and student.
Generally, the law does not require another person to rescue someone in peril. However, when there is a duty to rescue, it may be easier for a plaintiff to prevail with a lawsuit when the defendant has not attempted a rescue or maintained the safety of the person with whom the defendant shares a special relationship.
Car accidents can result in serious injury and significant pain and suffering, especially when children are involved. In a case like this, however, parents could potentially recover damages if they argue that the school did not properly rescue or protect its students.
Source: KSLA.com, “Bossier parents say school stretched truth in bus accident,” Adam Hooper, Feb. 12, 2013