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Fatal car accident in Louisiana involves speeding and fire

On Behalf of | Feb 19, 2013 | Fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents

When someone dies unexpectedly, it is almost always difficult and traumatic for the surviving family members. A fatal car accident is no exception. The situation may become even more difficult for survivors to handle if the accident was due to a negligent driver and could likely have been prevented.

A car crash involving two vehicles that burst into flames after the collision recently claimed the lives of two people in Louisiana. The victims’ car was stopped on the shoulder of the road and they were sitting inside the car. Another vehicle that was described as driving very quickly rear-ended the stopped car, which resulted in both the cars catching on fire. The fire burned for nearly an hour. Although the driver of the speeding car was able to escape, the driver and passenger of the car stopped on the shoulder were found dead inside the vehicle. As a result of the crash, the surviving driver has been charged with vehicular homicide, DWI and reckless operation.

There are many different ways a negligent driver can cause a car accident on Louisiana roadways. Whether it be driving under the influence, speeding, texting or other actions, a driver’s inattention to driving can be devastating for those unlucky enough to be in the driver’s path. In cases where a person does not die instantly, there may be significant medical bills resulting from efforts to save the person’s life. After a person’s death, his or her family may face severe economic hardship due to the loss of that person’s income.

Fortunately, the law provides recourse and protection for families dealing with the aftermath of a fatal car accident. While criminal charges may be pursued in some cases, a family can file a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit to recover compensation and damages. The compensation can be used to cover medical bills, funeral expenses, and lost wages, as well as providing damages for pain and suffering.

Source:, “Houston woman faces charges after fiery crash kills two in Louisiana,” Feb. 5, 2013